要 請 書
この要請書の目的は、国連軍縮局 (DDA) を今後も維持するよう日本政府が緊急に行動して下さるよう要請することにあります。これまで独自の任務と担当事務次長を有して活動してきたDDAが政治局に吸収されてしまうかもしれないという最近の情報に接して、私たちは大変憂慮しています。この情報通りになるとすると、これは、国連がその任務を全うする面においても、また政府間の会合や条約上の組織に奉仕する面においても、好ましくなく、不必要な変化であると思います。
私たちは、昨年末にアナン前国連事務総長が、「核兵器は人類が直面している最大の脅威であるにもかかわらず、それに対処すべき共通戦略が完全に欠如している」と訴えた演説に強い感銘を受けました。また今年になってからも、元米国政府高官であったキッシンジャー氏らによる「核兵器のない世界を」と題した署 名論文が掲載され(ウオール・ストリート・ジャーナル、2007年1月4日付け)、核兵器廃絶への世論が形成されようとしています。核兵器のみならず、その他の大量破壊兵器、また小火器によってもたらされる問題が増大しているいまの時期に、国連は組織内における軍縮の地位を低めるべきではありません。DDAは、冷戦後の軍縮問題に取り組むために設置されたものですが、今まで以上にそれは必要とされているのです。さらには、現在、世界的な軍縮の仕組み、規範、また体制が争点になっています。DDAという、国連の決定を履行する責務を有する第一義的な世界的機関の地位を低下させることは誤った方向であります。
核兵器廃絶をめざすヒロシマの会 共同代表
連絡先:広島県広島市中区上八丁堀8-23 林業ビル
5 Feb., 2007
His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary-General of the United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
New York, NY USA
Dear Mr. Secretary General,
We are writing to you on behalf of The Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA), a non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to education, research and information on peace, consisting of major peace organizations in Hiroshima. Especially we have been working for nuclear abolition and to establish a Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone.
This letter is intended to ask Secretary-General to keep an independent Department for Disarmament Affairs (DDA), with its own mandate and Under-Secretary-General. We are seriously concerned about the recent reports that DDA might be subsumed under the Department for Political Affairs. If this happens, we believe that the UN will go through a shift that is unfavorable and unnecessary, both in terms of the UN’s fulfilling its mandate and servicing inter-governmental meetings and treaty bodies.
Disarmament is one of the central tasks of the UN, as evidenced by the first UN General Assembly resolution calling for nuclear disarmament, and the UN Charter’s vision for “the least diversion for armaments of the world’s human and economic resources” (Article 26). The UN must live up to its mandate and prioritize disarmament in the Secretariat, maintaining the independent DDA instead of subordinating it to other agendas.
We are deeply impressed with a speech given by Kofi Annan, the former UN Secretary-General, late last year. In speaking of the danger of the nuclear weapons, he said, “The one area where there is a total lack of any common strategy is the one that may well represent the greatest danger of all: the area of nuclear weapons.” In addition, the signature article (The Wall Street Journal, Jan.4, 2007 )that titled “A world free of Nuclear Weapons” by Kissinger et al who were former U.S. Government high official is carried in this year, and the public opinion to Nuclear Weapons Abolition is going to be formed. The UN should not reduce the stature of disarmament within the UN at a time when such dangers posed by nuclear weapons, as well as other weapons of mass destruction and small arms, are escalating. DDA, designed to address post-cold war disarmament issues, is more necessary than ever before. Moreover, the world’s disarmament machinery, norms and regime are embattled right now; thus, reducing the stature of the primary global institution responsible for implementation of UN decisions is the wrong course.
It is important for DDA to remain its own entity with its own mandate and Under-Secretary-General whose primary concern is disarmament. It is also important that a department dealing with nuclear disarmament serves to an Under-Secretary-General from a non-nuclear weapon state. This allows DDA to make independent assessments with disarmament as the goal. DDA houses years of expertise and institutional memory which are invaluable to governments and civil society, and which could be quietly lost under a different department. Furthermore, disarmament is very technical; having a disarmament–focused department actually allows decision to be made more quickly than having them processed through a department dealing with disparate concerns and less familiar with the issues.
Department for Disarmament Affairs must not lose its unique identity, mandate and its ability to directly servicing the Secretary-General through its own Under-Secretary- General. The quantity and technical nature of the Department’s work is sufficient for the UN to warrant a dedicated department, and the issue the Department covers is sufficiently urgent to justify expansion rather than absorption.
As citizens of Hiroshima, we would like to submit the above request with all sincerity. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,