開催趣旨: 核「軍事利用」と核「平和利用」が表裏一体となって押し進められてきた核利用サイクルの破綻は、福島第一原発事故がもたらした現実によって明らかにされた。ウラン採掘、核兵器、原発、劣化ウラン兵器など核利用のサイクルによりもたらされている非人道的被害の実態に学び、あらためて「核と人類は共存できない」ことを確認しよう。 岸田政権は、収束のめどの立たない福島の核災害に蓋をし、原発の再稼働、核兵器保有に繋がりかねない使用済み核燃料再処理によるプルトニウムの備蓄など核利用サイクル政策を推進している。現実の厳しく厚い壁に立ち向かい得る叡智と力を蓄えたい。核利用のサイクルを断ち切るべく国際的な連帯のネットワークを築くため、広島・長崎被爆80周年になる2025年には「核のない未来を!第3回世界核被害者フォーラム」の広島開催をめざしている。本シンポジウムは、そのためのプレ・フォーラムとして、核災害の実態を知り、手を携えてその根絶への道を探る場とする。 世界はいま核戦争の危機の中にある。ウクライナ、ガザなどで多くの市民が殺されている。NO WAR NO NUKES(戦争やめよう 核絶対否定)の声をヒロシマは世界に強く発信しよう。
井上まりさん(オンライン参加) ニューヨーク在住弁護士 森瀧春子さん HANWA共同代表
*井上まりさん 米国ニューヨーク州の弁護士で、核のない世界のためのマンハッタン・プロジェクト(Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World) 共同創始者。 核被災地と支援者のワーキンググループ( Affected Communities and Allies Working Group)など米国で13年間、反核運動を続けている。 ーーーーーーーーーー
パネリスト: *森下弘さん (ワールドフレンドシップセンター元理事長) 『北欧の反核と仏核実験場のヒバクシャ』 *高野正明さん (広島「黒い雨」第1次訴訟原告団長) *高東征二さん (広島「黒い雨」第1次訴訟原告団事務局長) 『「黒い雨」の被曝影響を認めさせるたたかい』 *ペトゥーチ・ギルバートさん Petuuche Gilbert (米先住民アコマ・プエプロ(録画ビデオ) Acoma Pueblo, member of Indigenous World Association and the Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment) 『米核実験、ウラン鉱山核被害者として国際的な反核運動』 *柴口正武さん (元福島県教職員組合双葉支部長(なみえ創成中で定年退職) 現在・公益財団法人日本教育公務員弘済会福島支部専任幹事 ) 『“原発災害”は現在進行中』 *高垣慶太さん (早稲田大学学生、世界のヒバクシャと出会うユースセッション) 『マーシャル諸島での核実験と人びとの声〜初めての訪問報告を交えて〜』 *テリィ・ケアンナさん Terracita Keyanna (米先住民ナバホ族 ウラン鉱山被害者) 『米チャーチロック鉱滓ダム決壊被害との闘い』
The World’s Nuclear Victims Ask: To the G7 Summit Leaders <What will the G7 summit do in Hiroshima to avert the nuclear war crisis? What will the G7 Summit do in Hiroshima to rescue nuclear victims? >
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2023, 13:30-16:45 Place: World Peace Memorial Cathedral Organizer: Hiroshima Association for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA) Hybrid event, ¥1,000
Purpose of the event:
The leaders of the seven nations that depend on nuclear deterrence as the cornerstone of their security, including the three nuclear weapon states, will gather in Hiroshima, the site of the atomic bombing, to discuss what to do about the atomic bombing. What are they going to discuss?
Isn’t Hiroshima being used as a venue for discussions that will not only strengthen the military alliance with nuclear weapons as the cornerstone of its security policy and promote an early end to the war in Ukraine through further military expansion, but will also lead to increased tensions in the world?
We demand that if the conference is held in the A-bombed city of Hiroshima, it should express a strong will for the abolition of nuclear weapons by immediately ending the war in Ukraine, banning the use of depleted uranium (DU) in Ukraine by both sides of Russia, Ukraine and discussing concrete measures to indemnify all nuclear victims in the world and to restore environmental contamination caused by radiation. *To this end, as part of the World Nuclear Victims Forum held in Hiroshima in 2015, we invite nuclear victims from inside and outside the world to discuss the actual situation of nuclear damage, predictions of inhumane tragedies that would be caused by nuclear war, support for nuclear victims and nuclear-affected areas, and prevention of the spread of nuclear damage, and to send out their voices from Hiroshima to the G7 and to the world. The conference will also strengthen the network of nuclear victims around the world.
Part 1 Opening, Introduction of speakers Ms. Haruko Moritaki, Advisor of HANWA (5 min)
Keynote Speech: Dr. Tilman Ruff Co-President, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)(Nobel Peace Prize 1885)
Founder of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ICAN(Nobel Peace Prize 2017)
Associate Professor of School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne
Title: “What is Nuclear Damage?
Facing the Crisis of Nuclear War, the Ruin of Humanity”
Video Recording (40 min. lecture with simultaneous interpretation)
+ 20 minutes of Q&A online)
Part 2
Appeals from Nuclear Victims
1.Ms. Chieko Kiriaki, Hiroshima Hibakusha
“The Meaning of the Atomic Bombing” (10 min.)
2. Ms. Maki Yanbe, victim of the nuclear power plant accident, former vice-chairman of the Fukushima Prefectural Teachers Union and leader of the Futaba Branch
“Damage caused by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident” (20 min.)
3.Dr. Masao Tomonaga, Professor Emeritus Nagasaki University / Global Citizens Assembly
for Nuclear Phase-Out Nagasaki
“Serious Health Hazards due to A-bomb Exposure” (online, 15 min.)
4. Mr. Ashish Birulee, Alliance Against Radiation from Uranium Mines in Jadugoda, India
”Jadugoda Uranium Mine, India: The Present Situation of Damage”
Video message 10 minutes (with Japanese caption)
5. Mr. Isaiah Mombilo, Representative of NGO for Civil Society in Congo, South Africa
“Nuclear Damage at Sinkolobwe Mine, Congo”
Video message 10 min. (with Japanese caption)
6. Ms. Evelyn Ralpho, Second-generation Victim of the Marshall Nuclear Tests
“The Continuing Damage Caused by Nuclear Tests in the Marshall Islands”
Video message 10min. (with Japanese caption)
7. Janan Hassan, Obstetrician and Pediatrician, Basra, Iraq
“The reality of the depleted uranium in Iraq” (Message)
Mr. Maki Satou, International Coordinator/ Representative of SAKABEKO
“Report of Iraq resent visit”
8.Mr. Akira Kawasaki, ICAN International Steering Committee Member (Video message 10min. (with Japanese caption)) Peace Boat)
”From the World of the Nuclear Weapons Abolition Movement” (10min.)