Archive for the ‘声明’ Category


水曜日, 3月 29th, 2017
















月曜日, 12月 26th, 2016



12 月23 日の国連総会で核兵器を法的に禁止する「核兵器禁止条約」について来年から交渉を始めるとの決議が113 カ国の賛成多数で採択された。10 月の軍縮にかかわる国連第1委員会での採択に続くものであり、世界の人々は明らかに核兵器廃絶を望み、その実現に向けて歩み出している。しかし、核兵器保有国のうち米ロ英仏イスラエルは反対し、中国、インド、パキスタンは棄権した。核兵器被爆国でありながら、米国の核の傘の下にある日本は先の委員会と同様に決議案に反対した。世界と日本の世論に逆行する安倍政権の行動に、わたしたち広島の市民は強く抗議する。

22 日にはロシアのプーチン大統領が核ミサイルの強化を述べ、それに呼応してトランプ次期米国大統領がツイッターに核戦力の大幅強化を投稿したように、核兵器廃絶への道程は決して楽ではない。しかし、人類の悲願であり、国連がその実現に向けて動きだす意義は大きい。


2016 年12 月25 日


Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA)


事務局:〒730-0013 広島市中区八丁堀5-22

メゾン京口門404 号室



(Eメール) hanwa(@)


月曜日, 11月 14th, 2016


内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三殿











Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA)

共同代表  青木克明  足立修一  森瀧春子


メゾン京口門404号室 足立・西法律事務所


(Eメール) hanwa(@)



土曜日, 10月 29th, 2016

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三殿

外務大臣   岸田文雄殿












Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA)

共同代表  青木克明  足立修一  森瀧春子

事務局:〒730-0013 広島市中区八丁堀5-22

メゾン京口門404号室 足立・西法律事務所


(Eメール) hanwa(@)


Request regarding Nuclear Policies of the Japanese Government

土曜日, 9月 10th, 2016

The Honorable Shinzo Abe

Prime Minister of Japan


Request regarding Nuclear Policies of the Japanese Government

Urging actualization of a U.S. no-first-use policy and nuclear weapons convention


As a citizens group working in Hiroshima for the abolition of nuclear weapons, we hereby present this request to the Japanese government.

According to a report in the Washington Post, U.S. President Barack Obama is considering revising U.S. nuclear policy to include a no-first-use declaration. In response, according to the report, Prime Minister Abe has opposed this declaration, which is an utterly inappropriate stance for our A-bombed nation. This stance is embarrassing and invites suspicion and mistrust not only in Hiroshima but around the world.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which have experienced the unprecedented, inhumane devastation of nuclear weapons, cannot accept the existence of nuclear weapons. We certainly could never countenance their use under any circumstances whatsoever.

In news reports on the topic, the reasons given for Prime Minister Abe’s stance included, “Weakening our deterrence against North Korea.” This excuse demonstrates the Japanese government’s dependence on nuclear deterrence for security, which flatly contradicts the statements the Prime Minister read in front of the A-bomb Cenotaph when he visited Hiroshima with President Obama and again during the ceremony on August 6. To resist even a no-first-use policy exposes a profound contradiction in the Japanese government’s own assertions that it is pursuing gradual, step-by-step nuclear disarmament.


Recently a UN Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) has been working to abolish nuclear weapons by instituting a ban treaty. The vast majority of countries support such a treaty, but the Japanese government has repeatedly obstructed this effort with statements like, “The time is not ripe,” or “fill the gap between the nuclear and non-nuclear nations.” Again, such statements and attitude such as abstention from voting invite distrust and disappointment in Hiroshima and throughout the world.

As the only country to experience the combat use of nuclear weapons, Japan must immediately support the OEWG recommendations when they come up in the UN General Assembly this fall, and take the lead in promoting the negotiations for a ban on nuclear weapons, proposed to start in 2016. Support for the OEWG is the only way to recover the lost trust of those around the world seeking the abolition of nuclear weapons.


The A-bombed nation has shocked the world by opposing no-first use. Because we have 48 tons of plutonium and suspicious nuclear fuel cycle policies, the government’s opposition to no-first-use raises the specter of Japan as a latent nuclear-armed nation.


We demand the following of the Japanese government:

Stop opposing the U.S. no-first-use declaration.

At the UN General Assembly this fall, do not obstruct the start of negotiations in 2016 for a nuclear weapons convention as proposed by the OEWG; instead, take the lead, as is appropriate for the A-bombed nation.

Eliminate your accumulated plutonium and halt all plans to use the nuclear fuel cycle to produce more plutonium.


This is an appeal from Hiroshima, which has known the unparalleled inhumanity of nuclear weapons.


August 26, 2016


Co-Representative of Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA)

Katsuaki Aoki

Shuichi Adachi

Haruko Moritaki



Adachi–Nishi Law Office

Room 404 Maison Kyoguchimon

5-22 Hacchobori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0013

(TEL) 082-211-3342

(Email) hanwa (@)





金曜日, 8月 26th, 2016

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三殿





























Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA)

共同代表  青木克明  足立修一  森瀧春子



メゾン京口門404号室 足立・西法律事務所


(Eメール)  hanwa(@)

オバマ大統領 来広の意味を問う市民シンポジウム 声明

日曜日, 6月 19th, 2016

オバマ大統領 来広の意味を問う市民シンポジウム 声明















Statement from the Public Symposium Upon President Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima

日曜日, 6月 19th, 2016

Statement from the Public Symposium
Upon President Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima

Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA)

The United States dropped uranium and plutonium bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. By the end
of that year, the bombs had taken more than 200,000 lives. To this day, thousands of people are lost every
year to a phenomenon we call “delayed A-bomb death.” Most of those who survived lost family members,
their health, their means of making a living, and have carried a heavy burden of fear related to genetic
effects in succeeding generations.

The Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) experienced an unprecedented, extreme example of inhumanity.
They know in their bones that nuclear weapons are uniquely inhumane weapons, with which humanity
cannot coexist. From their experience, they have for 71 years worked within extremely difficult
circumstances for relief for Hibakusha, and for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Many Hibakusha have
passed away already, and those remaining do not have abundant time left.

Despite their efforts, the nine nuclear-armed states, including the US and Russia, continue to possess
nuclear weapons, and maintain nuclear deterrence as national policy. Far from pursuing disarmament, the
nuclear-armed states conduct subcritical nuclear tests and otherwise seek to improve the function of their
nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, the government of A-bombed Japan has recently adopted a cabinet
resolution declaring that Article 9 of the country’s Peace Constitution does not prohibit the possession and
use of nuclear weapons. In fact, with its 48 tons of plutonium and maintenance of the nuclear fuel cycle,
Japan is already seen internationally as a latent nuclear-armed nation.

President Obama, in 2009 in Prague called for a “world without nuclear weapons.” He went so far as to say
that “as a nuclear power, as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a
moral responsibility to act.” But at the same time, he stated that “as long as these weapons exist, the
United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective arsenal to deter any adversary, and guarantee that
defense to our allies.” This contradiction has manifested consistently in the actions of the Obama
government throughout these seven years. Introducing a missile defense system in Europe, for example,
provoked Russia and brought disarmament negotiations to a halt. And the United States continues to
modernize its nuclear weapons by spending one trillion dollars on its military budget, developing easier to
use smaller nuclear weapons. The real positioning is far from the “world without nuclear weapons” for
which President Obama appealed.

We hoped that President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima could serve to resolve the contradiction of pursuing a
world without nuclear weapons whilst relying on nuclear deterrence. We wanted him to personally face the
reality of the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent human beings through the dropping of the atomic
bombs. President Obama has now seen with his own eyes that no use of nuclear weapons should ever be
allowed, and that these weapons threaten the continued survival of our species. We had hope that he
would save us from this threat by declaring, from Hiroshima to the world, that nuclear weapons are
inhumane, unusable, and must immediately be abolished.

As the President of the country in question, we wanted President Obama to acknowledge that the US used
nuclear weapons which resulted in inconceivable pain, suffering and indiscriminate slaughter, including the
endless horror of radiation exposure, and recognize that this was an absolute mistake. We hoped for a
sincere apology to be given to the departed victims, and to those who managed to survive. We believe the
US should recognize that murdering innocent civilians with an incomparably destructive weapon is a war
crime that violates international humanitarian law, and apologize for this. Such an apology is an
indispensable step in the journey for a world without nuclear weapons. Such a world cannot be achieved
without recognizing that nuclear weapons are fundamentally wrong. The Japanese government announced
it will not ask for an apology from the United States. Such a “beautifully set” environment may lead Japan
to stay ambiguous about its wartime invasions and to avoid apologizing for its own actions. Overcoming
revenge caused by hatred and asking for an apology are two separate things. We should learn from
Germany, which directly faced the history of the Nazi massacres, and walked from the past into the future.
As the Germans said, those who shut their eyes to avoid the past cannot see the present. We cannot
separate the history of the damage caused by nuclear weapons and the attacks perpetrated upon Asian

Japan is the only country to experience the bombing of nuclear weapons during war. However, its current
national security is dependent on nuclear deterrence under the US nuclear umbrella. The Japanese
Government is presenting President Obama’s visit as increasing momentum for nuclear disarmament,
however it is using Hiroshima as a tool to strengthen and reinforce the US-Japan alliance. It seems almost as
if the Governments of Japan and the US intended the Hiroshima visit to allow them to not reflect upon the
historical facts of the past, and to act as if crimes perpetrated by the states 71 years ago did not happen,
under the name of reconciliation.

The discussion to legally ban nuclear weapons is ongoing at the United Nations Open Ended Working Group
on Taking Forward Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations (OEWG). However, this is being
boycotted by the nuclear-armed states, including the US. The Japanese Government, protected by the US
nuclear umbrella, spoke at this meeting on behalf of the boycotting countries. Japan is against a legal ban of
the use of nuclear weapons, and is working to obstruct the significant international movement towards
such a ban – this is the reality. The Japanese and US Governments present President Obama’s visit to
Hiroshima as an opportunity to break through the slow progress towards nuclear disarmament. However,
the reality is that this visit is just an opportunity for the US and Japan to hide the role both nations are really
playing. Even if President Obama calls for “a world without nuclear weapons,” his words will be powerless
unless the US participates in the OEWG. As the leader of the state possessing the largest nuclear force,
President Obama must take responsibility for the existence of humanity, and take the lead towards the
banning of nuclear weapons – otherwise his words are empty.

The strong international movement for nuclear abolition coming from many many states and also citizens
around the world, particularly efforts to establish a treaty to legally ban nuclear weapons on the grounds of
their inhumanity, is the way to make a “world without nuclear weapons” the reality. This is the message
that should have been sent from Hiroshima.

“Renunciation of war”, “renunciation of military forces”, and “denying the right of belligerency of the state”
are stated in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. The people of Hiroshima, who call for nuclear abolition
and an end to war, believe strongly in this. The Japanese Government enforced a set of security laws which
allow the Japanese Self-Defense Force to use military force with the US military. This goes against Article 9,
and President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima should not be allowed to be used as a performance to show a
stronger alliance between Japan and the United States.

As long as the Obama and Abe administrations continue nuclear cooperation policies to export nuclear
energy to the world and policies to promote nuclear energy such as the restart of nuclear power plants,
nuclear proliferation and the possession and strengthening of nuclear military capacity will continue. This
goes in the opposite direction to movements towards the abolition of nuclear weapons. We citizens
consider both the military and commercial use of nuclear technology are linked within the nuclear use
cycle, and pledge to work on these issues in connection.

May 27, 2016

An Entreaty on Your Visit to Hiroshima

火曜日, 5月 17th, 2016

President Barack Obama

United States of America

An Entreaty on Your Visit to Hiroshima


Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition


Anticipating your visit to Hiroshima at the time of the Iseshima G7 Summit Meeting, we beg your attention. We are an umbrella organization of groups and individuals in Hiroshima working for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and we call your attention to the following.


Seventy-one years ago, the United States dropped uranium and plutonium bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By the end of the year, those bombs had taken more than 200,000 lives. To this day, thousands of people are lost every year to a phenomenon we call “delayed A-bomb death.” Most who survived lost family members, their health, their means of making a living, and have carried a heavy burden of fear related to genetic effects in succeeding generations.


The hibakusha experienced an unprecedented, extreme example of inhumanity.  They know in their bones that nuclear weapons are uniquely inhumane weapons with which humanity cannot coexist indefinitely. For 71 years they have offered their testimony and appealed globally for the prompt and total abolition of nuclear weapons.


Despite their efforts, the US, Russia and seven other countries continue to possess nuclear weapons with nuclear deterrence as national policy. Far from pursuing disarmament, the nuclear-armed nations conduct subcritical nuclear tests and otherwise seek to improve the function or performance of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, nuclear-armed nations increase in number. Even the government of A-bombed Japan has recently adopted a Cabinet Resolution declaring that Article 9 of our Peace Constitution does not prohibit the possession and use of nuclear weapons. In fact, with its 47 tons of plutonium and well maintained nuclear fuel cycle, Japan is a latent nuclear-armed nation.


In 2009 when you spoke in Prague, you called for a world without nuclear weapons. You went so far as to say, “…as a nuclear power, as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral responsibility to act.” But you also said, “As long as these weapons exist, the United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective arsenal to deter any adversary, and guarantee that defense to our allies.” This contradiction has manifested consistently in your administration throughout these seven years. By introducing a missile defense system in Europe, for example, you provoked Russia and brought a halt to disarmament negotiations. And you continue to modernize and improve your nuclear weapons.


We beg you to use your visit to Hiroshima as an opportunity to resolve the contradiction between pursuing a nuclear-free world and relying on nuclear deterrence. When you visit the A-bomb museum and hear testimony from a survivor, you will personally encounter the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent human beings. You will see with your own eyes that no use of nuclear weapons can ever be justified. These weapons threaten the continued survival of our species. Please save us from this threat by declaring, from Hiroshima to the world, that nuclear weapons are inhumane, unusable, and must immediately be abolished.


The United States actually did use nuclear weapons, inflicting previously inconceivable pain, suffering and death, including the endless horror of radiation exposure. As president of the nation that took us into the nuclear age, please tell the world that the dropping of the atomic bombs was a mistake. Please offer a sincere apology to the departed victims, and to those who managed to survive. We believe that such an apology is an indispensable step on the journey to a nuclear-free world. How can we realize a nuclear-free world without rejecting the root from which nuclear weapons emerged?


The United Nations is currently hosting a working group on nuclear disarmament. That working group is discussing a nuclear weapons ban. The US, along with the other nuclear-weapon states, refuses to participate. This refusal is a mistake. It allows countries like Japan, which openly relies on the US nuclear umbrella, to oppose divisiveness, that is, nuclear-weapon versus non-nuclear-weapon states. Taking the side of the nuclear weapon states, they steadfastly oppose any discussion of a legal instrument prohibiting nuclear weapons. As citizens seeking nuclear weapons abolition, we are outraged. The US should attend the working group. As president of the world’s most powerful nuclear weapon state, you hold primary responsibility with respect to human survival. You should be standing in front, leading the abolition movement.


A strong wave of desire for nuclear abolition is boiling up in many countries from the global grassroots. The tide of public opinion is shifting steadily toward a treaty that would prohibit nuclear weapons based on their obviously unacceptable humanitarian impact. Please use your moment in Hiroshima to tell the world that you have been convinced that a nuclear weapons convention is the one true path to a nuclear-weapon-free world.


The people of Hiroshima seek an end to nuclear weapons and war. We obtain enormous encouragement from Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, which renounces war, prohibits offensive war-fighting capability, and rejects the right of belligerence. Near the end of March this year, the Japanese government pressed through a national security act that allows our Self-Defense Force to fight alongside the US military. This act is a clear violation of Article 9, and we fear that your visit to Hiroshima will be used as a performance, evidence that Japan and the US have strengthened their alliance thanks to this national security act. Rather than strengthening militarism, we hope your visit here will strengthen the foundation of peace and goodwill on which the US-Japan partnership should be built.


Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Nanjing—these and many more are negative legacies of man’s inhumanity to man. Standing in these places with our hearts open, we see clearly the path humanity must take if we are to survive.


President Obama, we hope you will have that experience in Hiroshima.


May 16, 2016




火曜日, 5月 17th, 2016




 Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition
















  共同代表  青木克明  足立修一  森瀧春子


(TEL)082-211-3342 (Eメール)







