9・11事件から3年目を向かえ、核兵器廃絶をめざすヒロシマの会(HANWA)では、9・11遺族の会「平和な明日のための9・11家族の会」(通称 ピースフル・トゥモローズ)に連帯のメッセージを送りました。
彼らは、事件後アメリカが、彼ら犠牲者の名前における報復戦争による人殺しを止めさせよう(Not Kill in our names!)と世界各地〈アフガンやイラクにも〉に出かけて活動しています。今日彼らに対する国内での風当たりは強く困難な状況の中にあって、ヒロシマの心に連帯して活動を続けています。
(執筆・共同代表 岡本三夫)
September 7, 2004
Dear Members of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows!
We, the members of HANWA, would like to send you our renewed message of empathy and solidarity as the third anniversary of the 9/11 is around the corner. It is almost three years now since the tragedy engulfed you.
Time flies, indeed!
Certainly, such a fateful and sorrowful day cannot be buried in oblivion for any body, but especially for the bereaved family members like you. The chagrin may not disappear for a long time. You must be remembering the days when you searched around your lover, sister, brother, daughter, son, mother, father, cousin, other relatives, friends, etc.
through rubbles at the WTC—-we know some of you have lost your loved one at the Pentagon, too. Most of you must be pondering over the dreary, depressing days of anger, frustration, emptiness, despair, and exhaustion following the disaster.
Your experience resembles what hundreds of thousands of the citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki experienced fifty nine years ago. Even after more than half a century they still suffer deep anguish of the sudden loss of their loved ones. Your grief, however, must be far more acute and painful as it was only three years ago.
That you have overcome your despair, and continuously transmitted to the world over your message of peace instead of violence, love instead of hatred, and solidarity instead of vengeance, has not only inspired the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but also encouraged us significantly in that we can build up our hopes for the future of the world. Your message does correspond to the affirmation here: No More Hiroshima! No More Nagasaki! In this mission of non-violence and peace we feel a powerful spiritual bond between you and us.
During the last three years people in Afghanistan and Iraq had to endure the destruction of war and the ensuing misery. We cannot and should not forget that multitude of them have lost their relatives and friends exactly like you and us. It is the same in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, and most recently in Beslan, Russia.
The world is becoming more dangerous and violent due to the prevailing Weltanschauung, i.e. a philosophy that might is right. To counter violence by violence breeds more violence. It amounts to a vicious circle. The only solution is to address the root causes of violence that are poverty, prejudice, discrimination, inequality, injustice, greed and jingoism. The members of Peaceful Tomorrows and the Hibakusha together with citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have learned this simple truth which they would like to share with others.
Terrorism is rampant all over the world. However, we think war is a state-terror and nuclear war will be the most heinous terror that one can ever think of. The Russell-Einstein Manifesto concludes that war must be abolished, for so long as war exists national leaders cannot resist the temptation to resort to the most powerful weapons of the day, nuclear weapons. This year also, therefore, on August 6th in Hiroshima and on 9th in Nagasaki, people from all over Japan and overseas gathered there together and renewed our pledge of “No More Hiroshima!” and “No More Nagasaki!” and have shared our determination to create the culture of peace and non-violence.
We hear you have been libeled as coward as many Americans today tend to justify violent means to solve conflicts. Do not be discouraged in your endeavor for peace, love, and truth. We are with you and the history will be on your side. For, love conquers all things (Amor omnia vincit)!
With love from Hiroshima
Directors: Ms. Moritaki Haruko, Mr. Kawai Goro, and Dr. Okamoto Mitsuo
(日本語訳 森滝春子)
共同代表 岡本 三夫 河合 護郎 森瀧 春子