2019.7.16 キャンドル・アピール
ヒロシマから核兵器禁止条約の早期発効を! キャンドル・アピール

2年前の2017年7月7日に、122か国の賛同によって核兵器禁止条約が国連で採択されました。核兵器は、存在も使用も威嚇も許すことのできない非人道的兵器であり、法的に禁止することによって人類が生きのびる可能性を圧倒的多数の国々が選んだのです。 核保有国や核抑止力政策を採る国々が核兵器禁止条約の実現を妨害しようとも、核兵器廃絶のために最も短い道である核の法的禁止は世界中の共通認識となりました。
私たち広島市民は、核兵器禁止条約制定2周年に当たり核兵器禁止条約の発効に必要な 批准国を50カ国以上に拡げなければと世界中に、市民の描くキャンドル・メッセージで アピールします。 核利用サイクルの過程で引き起こされ、今なお拡大している甚大な核被害の問題、核戦争の危機を見据えることがヒロシマの課題です。
「唯一の戦争被爆国」を名乗る日本政府は、核兵器禁止条約に反対し、核兵器廃絶への道を阻みつつ「核保有国と非保有国の溝を埋める橋渡し役を」果すと言います。しかし、自らは核依存政策を維持し、「橋渡し」どころか米トランプ政権などの核保有国の側に立ち、国際的溝を深め妨害しているのが実態ではありませんか。 同時に他方では、被爆の安全神話を振り撒き福島の核災害を封印し、原発被害者を棄民にしようとしています。原発の再稼働、海外への原発輸出、自国の核保有の意図をも持つ使用済み核燃料再処理によるプルトニウムの備蓄など核利用サイクル政策を推進して国際的な疑念と不信を拡げています。 核兵器禁止条約が制定され支持する国際的潮流は押し戻すことのできない大勢となっています。
ヒロシマ市民は、広島市長が被爆74年の原爆被曝の日に世界に発する広島平和宣言において日本政府に対し核兵器禁止条約の賛同国となることを要求するよう、私たち市民を代表して高らかに宣言することを求めます。 核兵器廃絶のための核兵器禁止条約発効の早期実現のため、国際的連帯を更に強める民衆の連帯の力こそが、核兵器廃絶のための最も有効な核兵器禁止条約の発効を実現するものだと信じます。
Statement Hiroshima Demands Ban Nukes Treaty Be Immediately
Effectuated HANWA Candle Appeal
Two years ago on 7th July 2017, the proposed Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted with the approval of 122 countries at the United Nations Headquarters. Nuclear Weapons are totally inhumane weapons whose existence or use must be forbidden. Threat of its use cannot be permitted, either. That is the reason why an overwhelming majority of states chose to prohibit nuclear weapons in order to pursue the possibility of the survival of human beings.
Even though nuclear-weapon states and those dependent on nuclear deterrence for their security have attempted to prevent the Treaty from coming into effect, the legal prohibition of nuclear weapons is now common understanding throughout the world as the shortest way to abolition.
On the anniversary of the adoption of the Treaty, we, citizens of Hiroshima, appeal to the world by lighting candles to express our hope that more than 50 states will ratify the Treaty, so that it will be brought into effect as soon as possible.
Damage caused at every stage of the nuclear cycle continues to increase. The threat of nuclear war is also realistic. Hiroshima’s mission is to address these issues.
The humanitarian crisis must be completely overcome and we reaffirm that humans cannot coexist with nuclear and power. From the standpoint that uranium mines, nuclear power generation, depleted uranium weapons and atomic weapons all produce damage to humans, we continue to create networks of international alliance.
Japan, as the only atomic-bombed country, opposes the Treaty saying that it will “act as a mediator to bridge the gap between nuclear power states and non-nuclear states.” However, far from acting as a mediator, the government is actually widening the gap by always siding with the nuclear powers, particularly the Trump Administration.
On the other hand, our government is also spreading the myth of the safety of exposure to radiation, concealing the reality of the Fukushima disaster, thus abandoning victims of the catastrophe. Japan is also pursuing the nuclear-fuel cycle while re-opening shuttered power plants and further exporting the technology to open new power plants worldwide. Moreover, Japan is storing plutonium by reprocessing nuclear fuel which could be used to develop nuclear weapons in the future. This policy is arousing suspicion in the international community.
The approval of the Treaty has now acquired irreversible international currency. Hiroshima citizens request the Mayor of Hiroshima to demand clearly in the Peace Declaration to be issued on the 6th of August that the government of Japan should sign and ratify the Treaty without delay.
We believe that joint efforts of people across the world to make the Treaty come into effect as soon as possible will most effectively realize a world free of nuclear weapons.
16th July 2019 HANWA
(Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition)
Hiroshima Citizens for Immediate Realization of Ban Nukes Treaty